
miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2011

Help me God

I recently received this message:

Hi Lars,

I have a piece of literature I love - It was written by the late William Penn Patrick in approximately 1970. Enjoy.

"No person, ideal or institution becomes great until Great Resistance has been encountered. Greatness cannot be achieved until this concept is understood.

Unfortunately, the average person is ignorant of this rule to achievement. Mr. and Miss Average, in their ignorance, are fearful and reluctant to encounter even slight resistance. They don't want to make waves or be criticized and they incorrectly feel that criticism will hold them back and prevent their happiness from being realized. In truth, the opposite is the case.

Take note: when we begin to change our jobs, we are first given resistance by our loved ones, for they fear change because change means facing the unknown! When we begin to make rapid achievement or commitment to rapid progress, we have road blocks thrown up by our friends and relations. They begin to resist by negative comments and actions which are devices to cause you to maintain the 'status quo'.

Now, if you are to achieve great progress, you must prevail against those closest to you; this is difficult and requires courage because you desire to please and not hurt those you love. The truth is that great harm befalls your loved ones when you fail to be yourself and do your thing. This is so, because you lose your enthusiasm for life, your growth process stops and your self-esteem diminishes.

Those negatives are revered when you stand your ground; and when you have prevailed, your loved ones gain a new and higher respect for you. History records countless events which prove the point. For an example, the greatest of all men overcame the most severe form of resistance and in so doing gave birth to Christianity. Had Jesus Christ run from His opposition, we would not know His name today, nor would we have available for our use those great and wonderful truths He brought forth for us so that humanity could find their individual greatness.

Furthermore, Christianity met "its" greatest resistance in Rome. Thousands of Christians were crucified in Rome. This resistance was met and in so doing, gave life to the force of Christianity, and Rome became the center of all Christianity - now, and for the past 1700 years, Rome has remained the very center of the Christian world.

Let these great lessons of the past stay in our mind as a beacon in our personal and corporate future. Let us understand and be grateful that our ideas have proven worthy of tremendous resistance. Today, all over the world, great forces have risen to resist our growth. These forces fear us for what we represent and they are attempting to destroy us and our dreams. Our understanding of this phenomenon and our strength of character and our commitment to our way of life is prevailing over these forces which have risen up. We are fortunate to have such great resistance. This resistance is evidence of our greatness and it provides us with the energy to prevail, to conquer and to dominate. These next few short years will record a brilliant history and establish a permanent place for our way of life - which is Freedom to be and to work out our dreams for a great world, for ourselves, for children and all humankind.

Understand our battle and be glorified that you are a part of the making of history. The work you do today in the defense of our way will provide new freedom and hope for millions yet to come. Stand tall in the face of our enemy...your resolution and commitment will seize his heart with fear and he will fade into oblivion. AND THAT IS THE LAW OF LIFE."

To your success,
Bob Proctor

This is my answer,

Hi Bob,
You are such a subtle fine-spun speaker that for its most part your speech is fully based on eternal truth. Your eloquent rethoric might though be very convincing for those Mr. and Mrs. Average, but I do not let myself be persuaded by your bifid tongue.
There is not such a battle to be fought. There is no freedom that needs to be conquered, there is no way of life that needs to be defended. Because there are no assaulters. The logic, which I am verifying every single day, is simply overwhelming. In essence there is just people fearing people. People preventing others from hurting them. People harming people in order to establish in advance the borderline of their integrity. And this strategy based on fear usually achieves its goal long before the alleged threat becomes reality. It has led to the same wars whose's legality you are vindicating.
We're all brothers and sisters. We just need to stand for our forgotten feelings and let the love inside blossom from our hearts . We need to release the garbage in our mental cave. In doing so people will witness what we accomplish and eventually follow our path if they so wish.
That resistance you talk about must then be faced with love, for it is not our enemy by our teacher. What is happening in theses years is a crack down of our belief (mental) system. A New Age of boundless life is about to rise from behind the horizon and you cannot stop it from breaking forth.
It is true however that for the most part of humankind we sadly do not stand up for our right to be until we face great resistance, but it doesn't need to be that way. Jesus Christ himself showed us the path of self realization. His loving teachings were not preceeded by any threatful constraint. He did not run away from his aggressors because he wanted to defend a way of life, but to mainly show those ignorants that the power of love does not respond to anything but to its inner drive which is compassion and respect for the inner child within every human being. Those evil forces rose up blatantly as he started facing his commitment towards establishing peace and harmony among his brothers and sisters, which in essence was a threat to the powers that were. And those powers later became the roots of Christianity itself.
So please, just let yourself go. You don't need to keep trying to inspire in me the seed of fight and resistance for it is grounded on fear, and fear is the force which has driven us up to this state of global shock.

Love and peace to you.

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