
martes, 28 de junio de 2011

Look within

Look within, what does that mean? Everyone is talking about our duty towards global peace and friendly attitudes. Yes, we can , they say, and yet flat anger is a blatant fact noone can dismiss from present days. None of those who peacefully rally and gather in purportedly solidarity can honestly and fully discard they feel somehow neglected. There is in every case a very thin line between demonstrating supposedly in peace and tearing down the compressing structures of the old powers. Even if you firmly believe you are not publicly posing in a theatrical way, those in power will make sure you are exposed as a troublemaker and provocateur. That will definitely ignite your well concealed yet still flammable rage. In a way they are actors playing the hated role. They're the shepherds. You've been so far the sleeping sheep.

Can stillness of mind be achieved by just meditating? Yes, but that is the second part of a process. First comes the working of the land. Then comes the planting of the seeds, then comes the time for waiting (building fences against, and finally comes the harvest. Just alike, meditation requires from us to plunge into a working phase which involves responsibility towards our dark sides, our forgotten inner child.

Everyone has got a flow of emotions ranging from fear to anger and rage. You can take that for granted unless you want to fool yourself. It shows up in most unexpectedly critical states. You fear what has not yet happened. Why do you fear? Because someone told you a terrible thing might occur. You might then let that thought/fear in and link it to present global events. That is, precisely, what the powers that be want you to envision. In order for you to believe, they create those so called false flag operations which trigger the fearing side of your mind and induce it to take those fake stories in. You do not fear in the present unless you have been taught to fear ina very early stage of your past. 

Fear belongs to our stolen infancies, a history of abandonment and rejection experienced during childhood. We learnt to fight each for reasons of personal/family security. Building ourselves those fences when we were too fragile to stand up for the natural expression of our feelings shaped our inability to express our emotions. We were hardly allowed to cry when we were sad, and often blamed for showing too much of our happiness…

Paradise on Earth shall become a reality in our minds (since reality is but a holographic perception of our Psyche) as soon as everyone embraces those wounded early feelings. That's what choosing love instead of fear means. You can discard present fear from your life only when you have told apart those unconscious fears dating back decades ago.

Express yourself, say no to what profoundly once hurt you. No matter what the source of those wounds may be. Let yourself take care of your bleeding wounds. That attentiveness will turn them into scars of wisdom. Then you'll be able to embrace inner peace, because it will simply just show up. In order to let the New into your life you need to say goodbye to the Old. As a consequence the old (painful) must be identified and be given an understanding and loving treatment. Only then you'll be able to take as a gospel the fact that we're one, we've always been. It's just that we forgot. let's recall our true nature, the infinite spark of divinity we consist of. Are you afraid of dying? Why so? We're eternal sparks of the energy which we call God. It's just that we've been experiencing Humanity as a lesson amidst other individual souls, in the vicinity of our brothers and sisters, learning how to deal with loosing contact with the source of it all, and imposing ourselves the challenge of growing spiritually through interactivity with our fellow souls in the midst of this lovely –yet full of boundaries and physical limitations– planet called Earth. And so we incarnated time after time to accomplish our lessons.
It's all about you. Restoring your integrity is the key function to accessing the New Era. It is you that counts. You are responsible for nothing but yourself. Do not let anyone usurp that force within yourself.

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