
miércoles, 1 de junio de 2011

A Search for Truth

by Dorothy Leon

What is truth? A question that has reverberated through the Halls of Time. Wars are fought, lives lost, and families broken as one perpetrates their concept of truth upon another. Governments exile and churches burn at the stake those who dare to deviate from their designated concept of truth.
Since it is obvious that establishing truth brings pain, why does mankind continually search for it? Why not search for peace, or love, or a cure for cancer? What is this basic human need to be right, or to prove another wrong? Why do we become insecure when we are uncertain? Why is not knowing described as being “in the dark”? And why is it that when we are finally given an answer, or learn a truth, that we immediately share it, presuming it to be the truth for everyone? Why does it so seldom occur to anyone that truth can be individual? If God created each of us uniquely different, why can’t each of us have a different truth?
The Bible tell us that it is the truth that sets us free. So, if perchance we find a truth, does it in turn make everyone free? Or does it enslave and condemn those who happen to disagree with our newlyfound truth? What is freedom? Free from what? From whom? Each person seems to desire freedom, and yet they feel their truth is for everyone. This is kind of a double bind like saying: You are free to believe MY way. In such a case, only the leader is free to believe as he chooses, but he is not free from judgment.
One of the problems seems to be that most people look to the outer world to deduce what they
consider to be the truth rather than to look within. Could this reverse the mirror, so the majority of
mankind are living in a world of reflection? Let us turn the mirror around and see how it reflects: Truth is individual and freedom is for everyone. Not knowing an answer, yet remaining open enough to search, is not being “in the dark”, but open minded; of the light. And this light illuminates that which is treasured within the heart. This light allows us to see an overview of truth. An advanced facet of truth is allowing others to find their own, in their own way and time. Respecting others is to allow them to learn their lessons without our infringing upon them. My master teacher, Ascended Master Saint Germain, says: “The only way to obtain freedom is to give it; the greatest karma is taking away the freedom of another”.
So, what is truth? Perhaps it is a process of becoming. A dear friend, trained in the Kabalistic
facet of truth, told me that the actual interpretation of “I Am That I Am” is “I Am Becoming What I am Becoming.” Is God still becoming? Does His ultimate outcome depend upon the development of all that He has created? Perhaps truth is also still becoming. It may encompass the infinite possibilities that are still unfolding in God’s Divine Mind, as well as the minds of all creation.

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